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All Tomorrow's Party believes that taxing the rich is necessary to prevent the middle class from shrinking. Therefore, the plan would be to raise taxes on the richest 1%, who control 40% of the nations wealth. By raising taxes businesses are able to keep more of their earnings and help build up the working class. This will keep the middle class from falling below the poverty line. By introducing modern technology we expect to create permanent and temporary jobs. The temporary jobs will offer education and experience for new workers to continue on to more permanent and specialized jobs. Minimum wage would be raised by $1.50 for those who work 40 hours per week while not in school, or 25 hours per week while in school. The government would provide free specialized training and education programs for unemployed persons with progressive efforts to place themselves back in the work place. 


Under the leadership of Kayley and Kristen, if one is fired they will receive welfare for 6 months, and this welfare will be 25% of the persons last pay checks. For disabilities, there will have to be proof from a medical doctor that one is incapable of working. The doctor must provide a timespan until said person is capable of working. The welfare that will be received will be state mandated. Each month the amount received would be a minimum of $100 and a maximum of $250 for food for a family with one child. The minimum welfare check for other expenses will be $600 and the maximum will be $800.


If a person has an income underneath the poverty line ($23,050), then they will receive food stamps monthly. They can also enroll in specific training and education programs for their job. Victims of drug or alcohol abuse will receive welfare after successfully completing a reabilitation program. This rehab will be paid by the state at a fixed certain percentage. All Tomorrow's Party would create and keep a balanced national budget. Benefits would be provided to citizens who consistently do not max out credit cards. 


All Tomorrow's Party plans for there to be equality in the workforce for women and minorities. This includes payment equality. There would be programs to help those who abuse drugs put in place inside of stiff sentences. Prison industrial complexes must be stopped and rehabilitation programs must be put in place. 


Kayley and Kristen would leave it up to religious leaders whether gay couples could be married in their religious facillities. However, marriages or civil unions are permitted to every person, no matter their sexual orientation, race, or class. There would be more regulations to enforce college campus rules against sexual harassment or assault. All Tomorrow's Party would put a limit on police brutality and racial profiling. Racial profiling perpetuates systematic racism, and could instigate instances of police brutality. Programs would be implemented that offer alternatives to "stand your ground", so death is not the only option in high-stress situations. 


Military-grade assault weapons are for military only. There would be stricter background checks when obtaining gun permits. All Tomorrow's Party understands the American people's desire for firearms, either for hunting or in the event of an emergency. However, the truth is that mass killings cannot be executed if mass killing machines are not available to the public.


Under All Tomorrow's Party the current health care for senior citizens would be maintained and improved. Abortions would be legal for all women in the first treimester, but the second and third trimesters would be left up to the states to decide. There would be free contraceptives for men and women, but not free abortions. Those who are pro-choice may contribute to set up fund for women in need if they wish. All Tomorrow's Party would not make anyone pay for something they don't believe in. 


Kayley and Kristen plan to place sanctions on foreign powers that show aggression. They will work diplomatically with powers such as Iran to end aggression and expand human rights for their people. There would be encouragement for foreign powers of the middle east to band together to stop ISIS/ISIL and other terrorist groups. These countries would be supported with training and money instead of sending American lives overseas.


Under the leadership of Kayley Carpenter and Kristen DeBerry more money will be put into research for alternative energy sources such as solar energy, hydropower, and geothermal heating. There will be an increased reward for citizens to recycle instead of throwing recyclable objects away. 


There would be regulations against the use of styrofoam in eating establishments; they woud use more paper products that are able to be recycled. There would be an implementation of educational seminars about the consequences of climate change and what people can do to help.


All Tomorrow's Party plans to implement programs that assist students with metnal ilnesses and disablilities. Under these programs all children will be given a free psychological examination to determine if they have any mental illnesses or disabilities. There will be one examination upon entering kindergarten or the first year of primary school, one examination upon entering third grade, one examination upon entering sixth grade, and one final examination upon entering the ninth grade. Parents must sign a waiver to allow children to receive the examination, if they wish it to occur.


There will also be an implementation of Creative Learning and the Arts. In other words more funding will go to the arts programs and there will be tax cuts for film production. This will be done by integrating creative learning (art, music, creative writing activities) into the national curriculum.


Last there will be an expansion in the benefits and financial assistance to middle class college students. There will be benefits for those who graduated, and possible tax rebates until payments are completed. There will also be initiatives to help get people on their feet following college.

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